September Spotlight


Secret Space use bulk upload function to add sessions to Moving More 

This month we supported the Secret Space in East Herts to use Open Sessions bulk upload function. Bulk uploads enable organisations with many sessions, but no booking platform and limited capacity, to easily upload all their sessions using an excel template. If you feel you organisation could benefit from using the bulk upload function please get in contact by emailing 

The Secret Space is an independent charity that  provide access to yoga and holistic therapies for a wide range of health conditions as well as to those who may not normally be able to afford yoga or therapies. Their team also offer yoga in care homes, mental health housing, youth supported accommodation and addiction recovery services. They also run low cost Community Classes at their hub in Hertford to make yoga more accessible

Some of the courses they offer include:

  • Yoga for Cancer

  • NHS approved Yoga4Health

  • Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) for those living with CPTSD

  • Yoga for Pregnancy and Post-Natal

  • Yoga for Menopause

  • Chair Yoga

  • Men's Health

  • Yoga sessions in schools, care homes, mental health facilities, supported accommodation

Search for yoga opportunities near you on the Moving More Activity Finder.